Finding the right people to help you take care of your house can be challenging, whether that’s with the details leading up to closing, or with ongoing maintenance and updates. The following companies are people we have worked with and strongly recommend for their high level of service and value.
Please note: The David Fountain Team does not guarantee or warrant the services of the below-referenced vendors. We merely offer a friendly reference based on the services provided to us personally, our clients, and friends. We welcome your feedback if your experience with one of these recommended vendors is exceeded or less than expected. Feel free to mention that you found their information here on our site.
Michael Lush with Replace Your Mortgage offers a creative home loan option to help aggressive borrowers to pay their loan off faster by utilizing a First Lien Position HELOC. Michael Lush counsels both home owners and home buyers on how to use this unique cash flow strategy and home equity to pay your home off on average of 5-7 years on your existing level of income.